Sunday, December 29, 2019

A History of Synthetic Grass

AstroTurf is a brand of artificial turf or synthetic grass. James Faria and Robert Wright of Monsanto Industries co-invented Astroturf. A patent for astroturf was filed for on December 25, 1965, and issued by the USPTO on July 25, 1967. The Evolution of Astroturf During the 50s and 60s, the Ford Foundation was studying ways to improve the physical fitness of young people. At the same time, the Chemstrand Company, a subsidiary of Monsanto Industries, were developing new synthetic fibers for use as tough carpeting. Chemstrand was encouraged to try to make the perfect urban sports surface for schools by the Ford Foundation. From 1962 to 1966, Chemstrand worked on creating new sports surfaces. The surfaces were tested for foot traction and cushioning, weather drainage, flammability and wear resistance. Chemgrass In 1964, the Creative Products Group installed a synthetic turf called Chemgrass at the Moses Brown School in Providence Rhode Island. This was the first large-scale installation of synthetic turf. In 1965, Judge Roy Hofheinz built the AstroDome in Houston, Texas. Hofheinz consulted with Monsanto about replacing the natural grass with a new synthetic playing surface. The First Astroturf In 1966, the Houston Astros baseball season begins on a Chemgrass surface now renamed Astroturf at the AstroDome. Supposedly it was renamed AstroTurf by one John A. Wortmann. The same year, the Houston Oilers AFL football season began on more than 125,000 square feet of removable Astroturf at the AstroDome. The next year, Indiana State University Stadium, in Terre Haute, Indiana became the first outdoor stadium installed with Astroturf. Astroturf Patented In 1967, Astroturf was patented (U.S. patent #3332828 see photos right). The patent for a monofilament ribbon file product was issued to inventors Wright and Faria, of Monsanto Industries. In 1986, Astroturf Industries, Inc. was formed and sold in 1994 to Southwest Recreational Industries. Former Astroturf Competitors All are no longer available. The name astroturf is a registered trademark, however, it is sometimes used incorrectly as a generic description for all artificial turf. Below are the names of a few astroturf competitors, all are no longer in business. Tartan Turf, PolyTurf, SuperTurf, WycoTurf, DurraTurf, Gras, Lectron, PoliGras, All-Pro, Cam Turf, Instant Turf, Stadia Tur, Omniturf, Toray, Unitika, Kureha, KonyGreen, Grass Sport, ClubTurf, Desso, MasterTurf, DLW

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Something - 614 Words

There are four contemporary approaches to management: sociotechnical systems theory, quantitative management, organizational behavior, and systems theory. The sociotechnical systems theory was first proven to the U.S. to be effective by the Japanese in the late 1980s, and it expresses that management should focus on making sure that they have well trained employees with the right tools and knowledge for the job. In this sense, the employees can put their heads together and produce innovative products in a productive manner, creating business success. However, quantitative management takes tides a different direction. It suggests that to be a successful business, you must use statistics and a form of visual modeling to influence†¦show more content†¦Lastly, there’s the own business’s internal environment it has to worry about. How well can it handle holding its organizations culture, while the managers and employees continue to effectively turn resources into profits. All of the approaches to management are relevant to the three environments. Most certainly with its internal environment, which includes the manager s and employees. Organizational behavior immediately addresses to resolving its internal environment’s issues by taking management to a psychological level to increase productivity. Taken positive attitudes to a different level. However all companies must be aware of these three environments in order to be successful. Therefore, all four approaches to management needs to understand and flow with the changes in the environments. Systems theory is one contemporary approach that immediately takes these contingencies into consideration with its form of managing. Therefore success in the environments is achievable by that form of management, yet there are still economic factors that can affect all businesses. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Cost Control and Cost Reduction Free Essays

PRINCIPLES OF COST CONTROL 1. 1 Introduction Cost is important to all industry. Costs can be divided into two general classes; absolute costs and relative costs. We will write a custom essay sample on Cost Control and Cost Reduction or any similar topic only for you Order Now Absolute cost measures the loss in value of assets. Relative cost involves a comparison between the chosen course of action and the course of action that was rejected. This cost of the alternative action – the action not taken – is often called the â€Å"opportunity cost†. The accountant is primarily concerned with the absolute cost. However, the forest engineer, the planner, the manager needs to be concerned with the alternative cost – the cost of the lost opportunity. Management has to be able to make comparisons between the policy that should be chosen and the policy that should be rejected. Such comparisons require the ability to predict costs, rather than merely record costs. Cost data are, of course, essential to the technique of cost prediction. However, the form in which much cost data are recorded limits accurate cost prediction to the field of comparable situations only. This limitation of accurate cost prediction may not be serious in industries where the production environment changes little from month to month or year to year. In harvesting, however, identical production situations are the exception rather than the rule. Unless the cost data are broken down and recorded as unit costs, and correlated with the factors that control their values, they are of little use in deciding between alternative procedures. Here, the approach to the problem of useful cost data is that of identification, isolation, and control of the factors affecting cost. . 2 Basic Classification of Costs Costs are divided into two types: variable costs, and fixed costs. Variable costs vary per unit of production. For example, they may be the cost per cubic meter of wood yarded, per cubic meter of dirt excavated, etc. Fixed costs, on the other hand, are incurred only once and as additional units of production are produced, the unit costs fall. Examples of fixed costs would be eq uipment move-in costs and road access costs. 1. 3 Total Cost and Unit-Cost Formulas As harvesting operations become more complicated and involve both fixed and ariable costs, there usually is more than one way to accomplish a given task. It may be possible to change the quantity of one or both types of cost, and thus to arrive at a minimum total cost. Mathematically, the relationship existing between volume of production and costs can be expressed by the following equations: Total cost = fixed cost + variable cost ? output In symbols using the first letters of the cost elements and N for the output or number of units of production, these simple formulas are C = F + NV UC = F/N + V 1. Breakeven Analysis A breakeven analysis determines the point at which one method becomes superior to another method of accomplishing some task or objective. Breakeven analysis is a common and important part of cost control. One illustration of a breakeven analysis would be to compare two methods of road construction for a road that involves a limited amount of cut-and-fill earthwork. It would be possible to do the earthwork by hand or by bulldozer. If the manual method were adopted, the fixed costs would be low or non-existent. Payment would be done on a daily basis and would call for direct supervision by a foreman. The cost would be calculated by estimating the time required and multiplying this time by the average wages of the men employed. The men could also be paid on a piece-work basis. Alternatively, this work could be done by a bulldozer which would have to be moved in from another site. Let us assume that the cost of the hand labor would be $0. 60 per cubic meter and the bulldozer would cost $0. 40 per cubic meter and would require $100 to move in from another site. The move-in cost for the bulldozer is a fixed cost, and is independent of the quantity of the earthwork handled. If the bulldozer is used, no economy will result unless the amount of earthwork is sufficient to carry the fixed cost plus the direct cost of the bulldozer operation. Figure 1. 1 Breakeven Example for Excavation. If, on a set of coordinates, cost in dollars is plotted on the vertical axis and units of production on the horizontal axis, we can indicate fixed cost for any process by a horizontal line parallel to the x-axis. If variable ost per unit output is constant, then the total cost for any number of units of production will be the sum of the fixed cost and the variable cost multiplied by the number of units of production, or F + NV. If the cost data for two processes or methods, one of which has a higher variable cost, but lower fixed cost than the other are plotted on the same graph, the total cost lines will intersect at some point. At this point the levels of produc tion and total cost are the same. This point is known as the â€Å"breakeven† point, since at this level one method is as economical as the other. Referring to Figure 1. 1 the breakeven point at which quantity the bulldozer alternative and the manual labor alternative become equal is at 500 cubic meters. We could have found this same result algebraically by writing F + NV = F’ + NV’ where F and V are the fixed and variable costs for the manual method, and F’ and V’ are the corresponding values for the bulldozer method. Since all values are known except N, we can solve for N using the formula N = (F’ – F) / (V – V’) 1. 5 Minimum Cost Analyses A similar, but different problem is the determination of the point of minimum total cost. Instead of balancing two methods with different fixed and variable costs, the aim is to bring the sum of two costs to a minimum. We will assume a clearing crew of 20 men is clearing road right-of-way and the following facts are available: 1. Men are paid at the rate of $0. 40 per hour. 2. Time is measured from the time of leaving camp to the time of return. 3. Total walking time per man is increasing at the rate of 15 minutes per day. 4. The cost to move the camp is $50. If the camp is moved each day, no time is lost walking, but the camp cost is $50 per day. If the camp is not moved, on the second day 15 crew-minutes are lost or $2. 00. On the third day, the total walking time has increased 30 minutes, the fourth day, 45 minutes, and so on. How often should the camp be moved assuming all other things are equal? We could derive an algebraic expression using the sum of an arithmetic series if we wanted to solve this problem a number of times, but for demonstration purposes we can simply calculate the average total camp cost. The average total camp cost is the sum of the average daily cost of walking time plus the average daily cost of moving camp. If we moved camp each day, then average daily cost of walking time would be zero and the cost of moving camp would be $50. 00. If we moved the camp every other day, the cost of walking time is $2. 00 lost the second day, or an average of $1. 00 per day. The average daily cost of moving camp is $50 divided by 2 or $25. 00. The average total camp cost is then $26. 00. If we continued this process for various numbers of days the camp remains in location, we would obtain the results in Table 1. 1. TABLE 1. 1 Average daily total camp cost as the sum of the cost of walking time plus the cost of moving camp. Days camp remained in location| Average daily cost of walking time| Average daily cost of moving camp| Average total camp cost| 1| 0. 00| 50. 00| 50. 00| 2| 1. 00| 25. 00| 26. 00| 3| 2. 00| 16. 67| 18. 67| 4| 3. 00| 12. 50| 15. 50| 5| 4. 00| 10. 00| 14. 00| 6| 5. 00| 8. 33| 13. 33| 7| 6. 00| 7. 14| 13. 14| 8| 7. 00| 6. 25| 13. 25| 9| 8. 00| 5. 56| 13. 56| 10| 9. 00| 5. 00| 14. 00| We see the average daily cost of walking time increasing linearly and the average cost of moving camp decreasing as the number of days the camp remains in one location increases. The minimum cost is obtained for leaving the camp in location 7 days (Figure 1. 2). This minimum cost point should only be used as a guideline as all other things are rarely equal. An important output of the analysis is the sensitivity of the total cost to deviations from the minimum cost point. In this example, the total cost changes slowly between 5 and 10 days. Often, other considerations which may be difficult to quantify will affect the decision. In Section 2, we discuss balancing road costs against skidding costs. Sometimes roads are spaced more closely together than that indicated by the point of minimum total cost if excess road construction capacity is available. In this case the goal may be to reduce the risk of disrupting skidding production because of poor weather or equipment availability. Alternatively, we may choose to space roads farther apart to reduce environmental impacts. Due to the usually flat nature of the total cost curve, the increase in total cost is often small over a wide range of road spacings. Figure 1. 2 Costs for Camp Location Example. How to cite Cost Control and Cost Reduction, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Role of Music in Human Life free essay sample

Music Is energy Music Is Joy Music is creativity Music is eternal Music is love Music is soul Music Is life Music Is one of the greatest creations of human kind In the course of history. It Is creativity In a pure and undiluted form and format. Music plays a vital role In our daily life. It is a way of expressing our feelings and emotions. Music is a way to escape life, which gives us relief in pain and helps us to reduce the stress of the daily routine. It helps us to calm down, an even excites us in the moment of Joy.Moreover, it enriches the mind and gives us self confidence. Music surrounds our lives at different moments of lives, whether we hear it on the radio, on television, from our car and home stereos. Deferent kinds of music are appropriate for deferent occasions. We come across It In the mellifluous tunes of a classical concert or In the devotional strains of a Baja, the wedding band, or the reaper In the fields breaking Into song to express the Joys of life. We will write a custom essay sample on Role of Music in Human Life or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Even warbling In the bathroom gives us a happy start to the day.Music has a very powerful therapeutic effect on the human psyche. It has always been part of our association with specific emotions, and those emotions themselves have given rise to great music. The origins of Indian music can be traced back to the chanting of the Sam Veda nearly 4,000 years ago. The primacy of the voice, and the association of musical sound with prayer, were thus established early in the history of Indian music. Today, music is available for us in different forms and the choice for music varies from person to person Just as the reading choices vary from one another.There Is folk sic, classical music, devotional music, Instrumental, Jazz, rock music, pop music, Hindi movie songs and many more. In the modern world, Music has gained an honorable designation of HEALING WITHOUT MEDICINE. Doctors feel that music therapy has been helping them in Many children with learning disability and poor co-ordination have been able to learn, and respond to set pieces of music. Many people with genetic disability have found a new light in the form of music. Dance critic Shish Choker cites an experiment as proof: Music is produced from sound, and sound affects our sense perception in many ways.Even fish in an aquarium were once made to listen to different kinds of music and it was found that their movements corresponded with the beat of the music. Mind you, fish do not hear, they only felt the vibrations of the sound through water. So you can imagine what a profound effect sound and music might have on the human mind. And Vanish, founder of the Neuron Linguistic Consciousness workshop who has researched music therapy says,the mystics and saints from ancient to modern times have shown how music can kindle the higher centers of the mind and enhance laity of life. Mantras, or chants used in the West, repeated monotonously, help the mind to achieve a sense of balance. A combination of the sounds in Sanskrit mantras produce certain positive vibrations and elevate the mind to a higher lever of consciousness. We all know that meditation cleanses the system of its negative energies and vibrations. And music is a powerful aid to meditation. In many meditation workshops, music is used to make people more aware of their moods and feelings.People are made to lie down and empty their minds and then listen to the music which is hectically changed so that they can fit through different emotions and state of Many people also believe that any music you respond to positively will work for you, regardless of its c ontent. Thus, even pop music might work wonders for you. Music affects all of us in some way or the other. It also is the most common interest of many people. People who love music, listen to it while traveling, reading, meditation, walking, some even have soft music while working in their busy routine.It helps them to relax and escape from the stress of our day-to-day lives. It can rainspout us to another time or place and it is a great feeling of seeing or doing or experiencing something different. People have special music corner for themselves and some people give importance to listening in silence and some people love to read with light music and even some people love listening to music before sleeping. Many people love listening to music in bathroom because they feel it is one of the few rooms in the home where privacy is routinely respected. Some people also love to sing in the bathroom and are called bathroom singers.Music has now become a art of our life as it serves different purposes for each one of us. It serves as an entertainment tool. For instance, in an occasion or event, music plays a vital role that makes the event to be lively for the people. Similarly, it creates cordial Music tell the people on the habit that is uncultured so that such behavior can be for better. Furthermore, it is an agent that is used to educate people. Music can easily convey message to the friends and enemies. It serves as tool for settling dispute between two or more people. It often helps to put an end to disagreements after listening to related meaningful songs.Music is played for the group to show harmony among them. Music also serves as a source of income to human life. It is a profession of particular classes of people like lyricist, playback singers, music directors, musicians, musical instrument players, dos etc. Lastly, music serves as a message or symbol that indicates the occurrence that is going on in a particular place or event. For instance, If bad occurrence happen in a particular place the type of music played their will show the audience or listens what happened in that event. The type of music played will Justify to the listeners what actually going on there.