Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Leadership Dichotomy Leading and Managing People

Question: Discuss about the Leadership Dichotomy for Leading and Managing People. Answer: Introduction: Thatcherachieved the political, social and economic influenceover the economy and its peoplethat made her well-known in the history. She was a dominant politician, reinforced the strategies by tending to the issues of the personal life, and took up critical questions as acquisition. One of the stylistic features of her was the apparent cognitive simplicity that focused mainly on the actions. The leadership of Thatcher taught that the women are not resistant to distorting (Bhatt and Kesari 2015, p.5). She had all the characteristics of a charismatic leader. She was strong and successful because of her personal qualities, was good at communication and had proper knowledge of what she wanted(Fontana and Parsons 2015, p.26). He was the onewhodevelopedthe concept of satyagrahawith ahimsa, which is a philosophy of nonviolent resistance. He advocated self-reliance in order to achieve the independence from the British rule. He solely believed in the equality of people and opposed racial discrimination. Gandhi did not follow only one particular leadership style to lead the people. In order to achieve the goals, Gandhi protested against the British and refused the use of British goods such as clothes and salt. He took up measures such as fasting to ensure the achievement of the goals. Although he showed different qualities in the different scenarios, he was an ethical charismatic leader and was driven by high moral values and code of conducts (Rao 2015, p.11). He faced the opposition, resisted and persisted in the non-violence against British. Although, he fought against the British, he never supported hating his enemies. According to his psychology, the employees can be conquered with love. Gandhi had interna l locus of control that helped him to inspire and convince the mass by reasoning(Dutta 2016, p.2). Angela Merkel is the most powerful womenin the politicswho is remarkably uncommunicative for the politics of the modern times. Merkeldominates the German politics by implementing transformational leadership. She has always defended her decisions open to German. She fights against her own party in the parliament while she is extremely supported by her rival parties (Van Esch 2014, p.61). It can be therefore stated that she was more or less transformational. Merkel expressed the conditionality in her leadership. Her response regarding the recent election of Trump showed an attempt at re-integrative shaming. References Bhatt, S. and Kesari, N., 2015. Leadership Dichotomy: Women are more Efficacious in Working with Diverse People. [Accessed from] Dutta, M., 2016. Leadership in International Perspective. [Accessed from] Fontana, C. and Parsons, C., 2015. One Woman's Prejudice: Did Margaret Thatcher Cause Britain's Anti?Europeanism?.JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies,53(1), pp.89-105. [Accessed from] Rao, M.S., 2015. Spot Your Leadership StyleBuild Your Leadership Brand.The Journal of Values-Based Leadership,8(1), p.11. [Accessed from] Van Esch, F., 2014. A matter of personality? Stability and change in EU leaders beliefs during the Euro crisis.Making public policy decisions: Expertise, skills, and experience, pp.53-76. [Accessed from]

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