Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Common Learning Disability of Dyslexia - 1076 Words

Introduction Dyslexia is a common known learning disability that involves the inability to read, write, and spell. It is a heterogeneous disorder that has a variety of cognitive, emotional, and physical characteristics (Bull, 2009). Dyslexia is a disability that approximately five percent of adolescents and children suffer from daily. Unfortunately, these patients are born with this disorder and children who are dyslexic grow up to be dyslexic adults. Dyslexia is often characterized by specific and isolated impairment of reading and spelling. However, these actions cannot be explained by delayed development of low intelligence or cognitive abilities (Schulte-Kà ¶rne, 2010). Dyslexia includes a wide variety of symptoms including visual impairment, poor short-term memory, speech disorders, poor motor control, and dyscalculia (Bull, 2009). Unfortunately, there are not many common treatment techniques for dyslexia. Dyslexia is a difficult disorder to treat because there is very little information o n the subject that helps researchers discover new treatment methods. However, there are some proven methods and techniques that have helped dyslexic children overcome their learning disability. Most people think of dyslexia as just being associated with learning disabilities. However, that is not true. Dyslexia is also associated with health complications. An increase in dyslexia research shows that the neurobiological basis of dyslexia is associated with cerebellar changes in theShow MoreRelatedCase Study Of Whoopi Goldbergs Dyslexia882 Words   |  4 PagesWhoopi Goldbergs Dyslexia Dyslexia is one of the most common learning disabilities in the world. This disability is present in twenty percent of children (Handler). Many famous actors and actresses possess this disability, including Whoopi Goldberg. Whoopi Goldberg was diagnosed with dyslexia in the 1960s after she had dropped out of high school (Adams 22). Dyslexia can be a difficult disability for everyone to understand; however, with the help of famous people, such as Whoopi, people can betterRead MoreCauses, Symptoms and Difficulties Associated with Dyslexia853 Words   |  4 PagesThe term dyslexia refers to a learning disorder characterized by difficulty reading. It is a learning disability that alters the way the brain processes written material. Difficulties in word recognition, spelling, decoding and reading comprehension make it even more difficult. This disability alters the way the brain processes written material. People with dyslexia not only have trouble with reading and spelling they a lso can struggle with writing. Dyslexia is the most common type of learningRead MoreNeurological Learning Disability: Dyslexia1164 Words   |  5 PagesDyslexia is not a condition, it is not something that will go away and it is not contagious. Dyslexia is a lifelong condition that a person is born with and will have to learn to live with. It is a neurological learning disability that causes problems with language based-skills and can affect around 10 to 20% of the population (Dyslexia, 2014). A person that has dyslexia can have difficulties with the areas of reading, writing, spelling, speaking, math, and or short-term memory. Having dyslexiaRead MoreAnalysis Of Can t Rad 1669 Words   |  7 Pages Dyslexia Ricky Smith Liberty University Dyslexia is a learning disability that many children have but are misunderstood until they have actually been diagnosed with the learning disability. Dyslexia does not mean that children are not smart; it just means that they learn different. This is why it is sometimes for parents to understand why their children are not doing well in school and struggle sometimes with a simple task of reading a book. My book report is about a 280 page bookRead MoreA Learning Disability At A Young Age976 Words   |  4 PagesA learning disable is a term used to describe a disorder that can affect how a person s learns. There are many different disabilities and levels, severity and they all affect people in different ways. These most commonly causes problems with math known as dyscalculia, one of the most common reading disabilities is dyslexia, and problems with writing which is known as dysgraphia. It is very important to remember that having a disability does not mean a person is less capable, it just means thatRead MoreDyscalculia: Misunderstanding Numbers876 Words   |  4 PagesDyscalculia is learning to comprehend arithmetic such as problems understanding numbers, and learning math facts. It is generally seen as a specific developmental disorder like dyslexia. A quarter of people with Dyscalculia have ADHD. Dyscalculia causes difficulties in everyday arithmetic tasks like the following: This person has a hard time reading clocks, difficulty or inability to comprehend financial planning sometimes even at a basic level. Examples are: balancing a check book, difficulty withRead MoreEssay on Dys lexia in Pediatrics1121 Words   |  5 PagesDyslexia is a learning disability that affects reading, writing, spelling, and sometimes speaking in children. Dyslexia is known as one of the common disabilities in children. Dyslexia can be mild or severe, every child diagnosed with dyslexia is different in some ways. Treatment for dyslexia should be introduced as early as possible for best results, however, it is never too late for improvement. (Bucciarell Rais, 2008) Dyslexia can be inherited through a person’s family or it can be causedRead MoreDyslexi A Common Condition That Affects The Way The Brain Processes985 Words   |  4 PagesDyslexia Explained Lampkin (2015) describes Dyslexia as a common condition that affects the way the brain processes written and spoken language. However, Handler and Fierson (2011), go a bit deeper and define it as a receptive language-based learning disability that is characterized by difficulties with decoding, fluent word recognition, rapid automatic naming, and/or reading-comprehension skills. In short, Dyslexia is a complex reading disability that many children and adults suffer from. CharacteristicsRead MoreWhat Is Dyslexia and What Can You Do If You Have It1242 Words   |  5 PagesDyslexia is a congenital disorder characterized by unexpected difficulty learning to decode and spell words in relation to one’s verbal intelligence, motivation, and educational opportunities (Gray E. S, 2008). People have many misconceptions regarding dyslexia which includes visual impairment, low IQ, dyslexia is curable, and this learning disability affects males more often than females. Indicators of dyslexia change over time since it is a process of developmental. It is difficult to identifyRead MoreChildren with Dyslexia: Problems and Solutions1686 Words   |  7 PagesDyslexia is quickly becoming one of the most common forms of learning disabilities in America. My personal purpose of conducting research on this topic is because my nine year old niece was diagnosed with dyslexia last year. The causes of all learning disabilities, not just dyslexia, are either heredity or environmental influences. Among these causes, each child is different, which is why it is most important to assess and treat the child as an individual not specifically as a child with dyslexia

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